Esther Gierman (she/her) has lived in Grinnell for six years and currently works as a social worker with Four Oaks, serving multiple counties, including Poweshiek.
Carolyn Jacobson grew up in Davenport, IA, and has lived in Grinnell for 20 years. She teaches English at Grinnell College.
Daniel Rinehart came to Grinnell in November 2020. He is the pastor of Saint John’s Lutheran Church.
Diane Robertson has lived in Grinnell for forty-four years, teaching biology at Grinnell College for the first thirty-four years. She currently serves as a court-appointed special advocate (CASA) for abused and neglected children in Poweshiek county.
Monica St. Angelo (she/her) has lived in Grinnell for over 20 years and has volunteered for many local organizations. She currently works as the Operations Manager for the Grinnell Area Arts Council.